Kimpex urethane track sprockets are used in many industries requiring high-performance urethane sprockets and parts. From Snowmobiles to Agriculture Equipment Plan Tech manufactures reproduction kimpex urethane track sprockets for customers worldwide. We are a leading urethane sprocket manufacturer in the United States and have been producing custom molded urethane parts for over 30 years!
Reproduced Kimpex Urethane Track Sprockets

Frequently we are approached with a custom kimpex urethane track sprockets reproduction requiring additional additives into the urethane formula and or hardness alterations to adapt for chain mismatch. Plan Tech supplies thousands of discounted reproduction kimpex urethane track sprockets sizes for custom applications around the world every year. Most reproduced kimpex track sprockets are produced using compression molding. Our state of the art machine shop has superior mold designing and production capabilities. We will produce a mold with a mirror image on each half of the mold splitting the reproduction kimpex urethane track sprockets in the middle.
Reproduction Kimpex Urethane Track Sprockets
Each half of the mold will be poured and closed before the polyurethane material is cured then placed in one of many 50 ton heated presses we have until the replacement kimpex urethane track sprockets are fully cured. Casting this way allows Plan Tech to produce a urethane sprocket complete with profiles on both sides and no secondary operations adding cost to the sprockets. Casting the urethane track sprockets via compression molding allows us to supply a truly customized one-off sprocket with the ability to tailor the material physical properties. Recently, Plan Tech did a case study on 3 different brands of aftermarket kimpex urethane sprockets. We found our urethane material had 60% greater tear strength from the competition in the same hardness! Replace your worn out damaged sprockets with Plan Tech’s high-quality durable track sprockets. For example, one of the reproduction kimpex urethane track sprockets that we manufacture is a 9 tooth drive sprocket and depending on quantities we sell them for less than $10.00!
Whether you are a start-up company or global leader, we can add value to your products with our strong engineering support, urethane polymer experience and constant focus on meeting all delivery requirements. Our rapid prototyping capabilities have also received particularly positive feedback – we frequently go from “Print to Part” in 10-15 business days! Everything we manufacture is MADE IN THE USA!
Please Contact us so we can discuss your reproduction kimpex track sprockets application!