These polyurethane mounts such as part # 6030K22 provide high-strength vibration and noise isolating mounts are not only resistant to oil and ozone, but they also resist chemicals, solvents, and organic acids. Polyurethane Mount Part# 6030k22 even withstands cutting and tearing.
At Plan Tech one of America’s largest polyurethane mount manufacturers we offer two styles:
Round Design—Choose from mounts with a steel or Type 303 stainless steel top plate. Stainless
steel provides corrosion resistance and is ideal in pharmaceutical and food processing applications.
Square Design—Two steel plates are molded within the polyurethane base for additional
strength. The top plate is corrosion-resistant aluminum. The mount measures 31⁄4 Sq. × 13⁄8 Ht.
Deflection at maximum load is 3⁄16
When it comes to vibration dampening, our urethane material exhibits one of the best performance in absorbing (dampen) vibrational energy. In general, vibration dampeners are manufactured out of rubber, foam material or other multi-layered materials. We at Plan Tech make use of solid urethane material which in turn cuts down on our manufacturing time, cost and also delivery time. It is important to note that thermoset polyurethane has proven to be the best material and this is not just in performance, but also in durability. It has a high level of oil, chemical, and abrasion resistance, making it ideal for applications where exposure is a factor. It can also handle more weight and does not deteriorate due to hysteresis.

Whether you are a start up company or global leader, we can add value to your products with our strong engineering support, urethane polymer experience and constant focus on meeting all delivery requirements. Our rapid prototyping capabilities have also received particularly positive feedback – we frequently go from “Print to Part” in 10-15 business days. Everything we manufacture is MADE IN THE USA!
Are you interested in Polyurethane Mount Part# 6030k22? Please Contact us so we can help solve your requirements and work with you on your specific application!