Urethane piston seals manufactured by Plan Tech are wear-resistant and have a profiled dynamic sealing surface. We offer an extensive selection of urethane piston seals designs, all of which are designed with a geometry that is optimized to reduce friction and resist gap extrusion.

When selecting the proper urethane piston seals for an application, a good number of design elements and general guidelines must be put into consideration. Utilizing these criteria throughout the selection process will ensure that the desired sealing requirements of the application is met. Whether they are to be used in situations with extreme temperatures or in harsh environments our urethane seals are one of the most economical and best design choices. Now, besides being inexpensive, our urethane piston seals are tough, resistant to abrasion/wear, has impressive extrusion gap and are capable of withstanding powerful shock loads. Our team of dedicated and talented engineering can also help your custom needs by providing cost-effective prototyping. No matter how challenging your project is, we’ll always come through.
For 30 years now our massive inventory, quality control and unparalleled customer service have made us a leader in the world of urethane piston seals and we have successfully developed exceptionally strong relationships with top companies around the world and hopefully, you will be one of them too. For over 30 years we have focused on using speed and precision to manufacture the highest quality industrial cast urethane parts to our customers. A particular strength is the breadth of our in-house capabilities such as grinding urethane parts which, when combined with our extensive experience, enables us to deliver tight tolerance Urethane Piston Seals while maintaining the quality control and cost effectiveness our customers require. The tests are performed according to an established set of standards provided by an accredited testing organization such as the Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) who define the procedures in detail.
Please Contact us for further details regarding urethane piston seals!