When was the urethane wheel invented?
When was the urethane wheel invented?
The urethane wheel was first invented in the 1970s through the innovativeness of Frank Nasworthy. Urethane wheels which have turned into an internationally recognized product today were the result of an idea that developed on the mind of Nasworthy when he came across an explorative urethane roller-skate wheel in 1970 right in the backyard of one of his friends.

He immediately developed an innovative mindset and suggested to his friends that they could use such wheels to create skateboards. Well, they all agreed and thus, began the creation of a product we all enjoy to date. Nasworthy had his father sent him 10 of those experimental urethane wheels, and he assembled them unto his skateboard. Upon trying out the skateboard unto which he had applied the urethane wheels, Nasworthy along with his friends discovered his innovation has given skateboarding a new lease of life. Instead of the old tooth-jarring ride that skateboarding was known for, they found out that the experimentation had given smoothness and stability to skateboarding.
Nasworthy named his urethane wheel discovery; CADILLAC and decided on investing his entire saving (which was worth $700 at the time) into setting up his company which he named the Cadillac Wheels.